Executive Dockboard

Dockplate Installation, Maintenance & Repair
The loading dock experts at Executive Dockboard Service have access to an extensive selection of dock levelers and related products, backed by the knowledge to recommend the best equipment choices for your particular application.

Patio Trailers
Executive Dockboard Service has extensive unique experience installing and servicing Patio Trailers. This expertise allows us to recommend the best possible product to fit the needs of any application.

Overhead Door Installation
Executive Dockboard Service has extensive experience selling and servicing doors. This expertise, coupled with acess to time-tested products, allows us to recommend the best possible product to fit the size, security and cost effectiveness needs of any application.

Lighting Installation and Repair
A single call to Executive Dockboard Service gives you access to a complete range of dock lighting products, plus the insight of specialists on the full range of task lighting
Overhead Door Installation
Executive Dockboard Service has extensive experience selling and servicing doors. This expertise, coupled with acess to time-tested products, allows us to recommend the best possible product to fit the size, security and cost effectiveness needs of any application.
Overhead Door Installation
Executive Dockboard Service has extensive experience selling and servicing doors. This expertise, coupled with acess to time-tested products, allows us to recommend the best possible product to fit the size, security and cost effectiveness needs of any application.
The Burns brothers name, both Sandy and Otis, dominated the field of new installation and dock repair up and down the East coast, all over the Mid-west and the southern United States since the early-80's. Many in properties management today, when meeting me, have a Burns brothers story to share. They set the standard in dock repair. They made deals with a handshake, not contracts. We still see terminals today whose dockplates were installed by Sandy or Otis. Many of these dockplates are still functioning due to the quality installation and rigid maintenance regimen. The Burns name has always been synonymous with unsurpassed quality. Through hard work and determination, quality of craftsmanship and character, it is my goal to have the Burns reputation remain alive and well in this industry, continuing the legacy for generations to come!
Kelly Burns
Owner, Executive Dockboard Service
In Memory of Sandy Burns

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Military Veteran
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Corporate Office
For any inquiries, questions or recommendations, please call: 731-336-9531 or fill out and submit the form below:

63 Royal Oak Drive
Winchester, Tennessee 37398-4444
Tel: 731-336-9531
Tel: 256-508-5157

Get a quote: 731-336-9531